1. Abdurrahim Karahisârî'Nin Tasavvufî Görüşleri Ve Isimli Eseri (Metin Ve Inceleme)
Author: Orhan, Abdullah Taha
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Islamic studies

2. Abdurrahim Karahisârî'Nin Tasavvufî Görüşleri Ve Isimli Eseri (Metin Ve Inceleme)
Author: Orhan, Abdullah Taha
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Islamic studies

3. Ahmed er-Rifai hazretlerinin menkibeleri kazeruni
Author: Necdet Tosun, Nurettin Bayburtlugil
Library: Special Library of Islamic and Iranian History (Qom)
Subject: لاتین

4. Bahaeddin Naksbend
Author: \ Necdet Tosun
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Bahaeddin, Muhammed ,The Naghshbandis ,بهاءالدین نقشبند، محمد بن محمد، ۷۱۸ -۷۹۱ق.,نقشبندیه
Classification :

5. Bahaeddin Naksbend Hayati, Gorusleri, Tarikati
Author: \ Necdet Tosun
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Bahauddin Naksibend, 1318-1389, بهاء الدین نقشبند ، محمد بن محمد ، ۷۱۸ ــ ۷۹۱ق,نقشبندیه,Naqshabandīyah -- History,Naqshabandīyah
Classification :

6. Bahaeddin Naksbend; hayati, grusleri, tarikati (XII –XVII. Asirlar)
Author: Necdet Tosun
Library: Special Library of Islamic and Iranian History (Qom)
Subject: لاتین

7. Bahaeddin Nakşbend : hayatı, görüşleri, tarikatı (XII-XVII. asılar)
Author: / Necdet Tosun
Library: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)

8. Balaban Tekkesi Şeyhi Hasan Hüsnü Efendi Ve tasavvufî Eserleri
Author: Sezer, Esma
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Middle Eastern literature

9. Balaban Tekkesi Şeyhi Hasan Hüsnü Efendi Ve tasavvufî Eserleri
Author: Sezer, Esma
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Middle Eastern literature

10. Dervis Keskulu
Author: \ Necdet Tosun
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Sufism ,The Sufis ,تصوف ,صوفیان
Classification :

11. Dervis keskulu tasavvuf ve dergah kulturu
Author: Necdet Tosun
Library: Special Library of Islamic and Iranian History (Qom)
Subject: لاتین

12. Haci Feyzullah Efendi from Naksbendi sheikhes and his Mystical Views
Author: Kaymakçı, Fatma
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Biographies,Philosophy of religion

13. Haci Feyzullah Efendi from Naksbendi sheikhes and his Mystical Views
Author: Kaymakçı, Fatma
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Biographies,Philosophy of religion

14. Hüdâyî'Nin Vâkıât-ı Üftâde Isimli Eserinin Muizzüddin Celvetî tarafından yapılan tercümesi (Metin Ve Inceleme)
Author: Gökmen, Zehra
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Islam

15. Hüdâyî'Nin Vâkıât-ı Üftâde Isimli Eserinin Muizzüddin Celvetî tarafından yapılan tercümesi (Metin Ve Inceleme)
Author: Gökmen, Zehra
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Islam

16. Imam- I Rabbani Ahmed Sirhindi Hayati, Eserleri, Tasavvufi Gorusleri
Author: \ Necdet Tosun
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Ahmad Sirhindi, -- 1563-1624,سرهندی، احمدبن عبدالاحد، ۹۷۱-۱۰۳۴ ق,نقشبندیه, -- عقاید,Sufism,Naqshabandiyah
Classification :

17. Irfan Bahcesi
Author: \ Necdet Tosun
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: ,Sufism and Mysticism,The Sufis ,تصوف و عرفان ,صوفیان
Classification :

18. Irfan bahcesi; tasavvuf deryasindan damlalar
Author: Necdet Tosun
Library: Special Library of Islamic and Iranian History (Qom)
Subject: لاتین

19. Muhammad Bahaeddin Sah-I naksbend hazretleri
Author: Necdet Tosun
Library: Special Library of Islamic and Iranian History (Qom)
Subject: لاتین

20. Sah-i Naksbend Hazretleri
Author: \ Necdet Tosun
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Bahaeddin, Muhammed ,The Naghshbandis ,بهاءالدین نقشبند، محمد بن محمد، ۷۱۸ -۷۹۱ق.,نقشبندیه
Classification :